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Are you a SLider?

In a recent episode of the Quantum Mechanics podcast I was reminded of this weird, fairly obscure phenomenon that I had almost forgotten about, so I thought I'd do some more research. This isn't an exhaustive analysis (and like most paranormal subjects, the more you look the more you find), but I hope it sheds some light (!) and this peculiar subject. [1]

In humanity's vast experience, there exist peculiar phenomena that defy explanation. One such enigma is the Street Light Interference Phenomenon (SLI), where individuals seemingly possess the ability to make street lights malfunction when they approach. These individuals are colloquially referred to as "SLiders." While sceptics attribute SLI to coincidence or confirmation bias, proponents argue that there's more to it than meets the eye. This blog post delves into the intriguing world of SLiders, exploring the phenomenon's history, proposed explanations, and its implications on our understanding of human potential and the nature of reality.

History and Origins

The concept of SLI isn't a recent discovery. Accounts of individuals experiencing this phenomenon date back decades, with anecdotal evidence scattered across various cultures and regions. However, it wasn't until the latter half of the 20th century that SLI gained significant attention. The term "SLider" was popularized by the late Hilary Evans, a British author and researcher, in his book "The SLI Effect: Street Light Interference - A Worldwide Phenomenon." Evans chronicled numerous cases of individuals reporting instances where street lights would flicker, dim, or completely extinguish upon their approach. [2]

Hilary Evans

Evans' work sparked curiosity and prompted others to share their experiences, leading to the formation of online communities and forums dedicated to SLI. These platforms served as hubs for individuals to connect, share anecdotes, and seek validation for their encounters. As the internet facilitated global communication, reports of SLI from around the world began to surface, highlighting the phenomenon's widespread nature.

Characteristics of SLiders

SLiders come from diverse backgrounds and demographics, making it challenging to pinpoint specific traits or characteristics common among them. However, certain patterns have emerged from anecdotal accounts. Many sliders report experiencing SLI during times of heightened emotional states, such as stress, anxiety, or excitement. Some describe feeling a palpable energy or "charge" within themselves moments before the street lights malfunction.

Additionally, SLiders often perceive themselves as having a unique connection to electrical devices beyond street lights. They may notice watches stopping or electronic devices malfunctioning in their presence. While these experiences could be dismissed as coincidental, sliders insist on a deeper, more profound connection between their presence and electromagnetic fields.

Proposed Explanations

The scientific community remains divided on the legitimacy of SLI, with explanations ranging from the mundane to the speculative. SLI has never been demonstrated to occur in a scientific experiment, and those who claim the ability, have not been found to reproduce the effect on demand. Sceptics argue that the phenomenon is nothing more than a series of coincidences amplified by human perception biases. They attribute the phenomenon to the inherent unreliability of street lights and the selective memory of individuals who attribute malfunctions to their presence while ignoring instances where lights behave normally. [3]

On the other hand, proponents of SLI propose alternative explanations rooted in parapsychology, bioelectromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. Some suggest that SLiders emit subtle electromagnetic fields that interact with the electrical systems of street lights, causing disruptions. This theory draws parallels to studies on biofields and the influence of human energy on surrounding environments.

An imaginative visualization of the biofield

Others explore the concept of psychokinesis, the purported ability to influence physical systems with the mind. According to this hypothesis, SLiders possess latent psychic abilities that manifest unconsciously, affecting nearby electrical devices. While psychokinesis remains a controversial topic within mainstream science, proponents argue that SLI provides anecdotal evidence supporting its existence.

Implications and Speculations

Beyond its scientific implications, SLI raises questions about the nature of consciousness and human potential. If individuals can influence electrical systems with their minds, what other abilities might lie dormant within the human psyche? Some speculate that SLI could be a precursor to more advanced forms of psychokinetic phenomena, suggesting that with training and discipline, individuals could learn to harness and control these abilities consciously.

Moreover, SLI challenges conventional notions of causality and determinism. If individuals can disrupt the normal functioning of street lights through subconscious influence, what does this say about our understanding of cause and effect? Could it hint at a deeper interconnectedness between consciousness and the fabric of reality itself?


The Street Light Interference phenomenon remains a captivating mystery that defies easy explanation. While sceptics attribute it to coincidence and selective memory, proponents argue for a deeper, more nuanced understanding rooted in parapsychology and the mysteries of human consciousness. Whether SLI represents a genuine anomaly or a product of perceptual biases, its continued study offers valuable insights into the limits of human perception and the uncharted territories of the human mind. As we unravel the mysteries of SLI, we may uncover new truths about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

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